Saturday, July 16, 2011

The past two weeks have been fun filled and God filled. I love telling these kids how much God loves them. This blog consist of my summer missions report three and a run down of the past two weeks.
June 5: Messy Games day was fun! We taught the kids about Joseph this week! They
loved it!Picture below!

June 6: Fantastic food fun! The picture above is from that!
Juen 7: Parachute activities!
June 8: Minin Golf: Watching 4 year olds to Kindergarteners play mini golf is quite entertaining.
June 9-10 The team went to San Fran!

June 11: We found out my teammate, Emily from TN, needed to go home because her grandfather was really sick. Our team is really bonded so it was hard to say goodbye. We miss her.
June 12 Share day. We taught the stories of Moses these days!
June 13 Messy Games day! Yes again this year my face got painted with pudding and whipped cream and sprinkles!
June 14 Balloon day!
June 15 Watermelon day! We read the Bible story about the Red Sea on this day. Well there is a song in the musical call Singin' Praises. Well I said when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry land and saw Pharoahs army get swept up in the water they cheered and sang praises because they were free. Well all of my cool caterpillars started singing "Singin' praises, praising the name of Jesus, singin' praises, praisin' the name of Jeeee---eeeesssssuuusss!" They did it all on there own! It was so precious! They said we love to sing to Jesus. They also like to sing "The Bible's just a book til you open it up and start to read it's pages, oh the Bible's just a book til you open it up and find God's treasure inside." It thrills my heart to hear them sing and talk about Jesus.
Well that has been the past few weeks of Big A. Pray for these kids to know Jesus more and accept Him as Savior and Lord one day. Pray that there parents would come to know Christ.

Summer Missions Report 3:

Describe you activities during this report period:
Our summer program is in full swing now and running. We are open to receive children from 7:30AM to 5:30PM on Tuesday through Friday. We rotate working the morning AM A+. AM A+ consists of the children playing in free choice center, organized games, songs, and a Bible story. AM A+ runs from 7:30AM to 9:45AM. At 9:45AM, all children and teachers are on the playground making sure kids are safe and we play with them. At 10:00 the Big A Club begins. We have various themed days each and a go on field trips. I am working with the Cool Caterpillars which a preschoolers who are going to kindergarten in the fall. We have had messy games day where they got to paint my face with pudding, whipped cream, and sprinkles, we took a trip to the fire department, and another trip to mini golf. We have also had watermelon day, balloon day, parachute day, fantastic food fun, and many more events. Each day the children make a craft and hear a Bible Story. We have talked about Jonah, Joseph, and Moses or as the kids say “Mo-fess”. They can’t say Moses. We also eat lunch with the kids. We are also working on a summer musical that the kids will do at the end of summer. So we have music class too. We average around 100 kids a day. Big A ends at 2PM and PM A+ begins. In the afternoons we rotate out teaching various classes. We play on the playground, do organized games, and teach a Bible story using the Team Kids material. We also play more games and do activity sheets. If I worked AM A+ in the morning then I do work projects which consist of cleaning closets to cutting out stuff to shoveling more bark on the playground. We also have Parent’s Night Out on Friday nights from 6PM to 10PM. We take kids that are babies to 6th grade. We play with them and they hear a Bible story, do a craft, have snack, and have movie time. It is a busy day usually, but it is so much fun to teach these kids about Jesus and how much He loves them.

List any prayer concerns you have:
I was sharing with one of the parents how much the children love to come here and I invited them to church. Well the mom didn’t respond and we went onto another subject. I told her about how when Reilly prays she gets on her knees and bows her head to the ground and it’s so cute that she gets on her knees when she prays to Jesus. The mom said, “Oh she is probably praying to Mecca, we do that at home.” I was so shocked! God has placed this family on my heart this summer and I am not giving up on talking with them about Jesus. It just showed me how lost these people are here. They desperately need Jesus. It has also shown me how lost America is. People in America need God. My heart is burdened for America to know Christ. Pray for the people of Tahoe and pray specifically for this family.

Share a meaningful experience God is teaching me:
I have been trying to determine for quite some time whether or not I should do Occupational Therapy (OT) and missions or if I should go to seminary. Well last year in Tahoe God showed me I can do both. I recently finished the Bible study Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. Now I am reading her book Life Interrupted. God has used that book to show me so many new things. He has shown me I need to leave my dreams of OT behind. My dreams were to go to Belmont and do missions my way. Well God has shown me that I should look into Masters programs for OT instead of Doctorate. He also has revealed to me that missions is my full time thing, but OT is a part of it but a small part. He has also shown me that I need to go to seminary. Financially this is better too because I can get 2 degrees for the price Belmont cost. But ultimately it is God’s plan not mine. God has such big plans and I can’t wait to begin them. I am beginning to hate my plans and fall in love with His. I am actually excited about seminary and OT school even if it is just a Masters.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and cards.

Kacey Porter

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Plant the seed! It has to happen before the rest can!

Well the past week has been great and eventful!

Our Big A club is in full swing.
On June 21, we had pajama day! It was so much fun!
On June 22, we had mummy wrap day, my cool caterpillars got to wrap me up with toilet paper, so I looked like a mummy.
One June 28, we took about 60 kids ages 3 to 6 to the fire department! It was so much fun! I love how the kids are so excited about learning about safety. They got to tour the fire house, ambulance where they got to listen to their heartbeat with a stethoscope, and they got to squirt the fire hose then go into the fire truck.
On June 29, we had carnival day inside because it was raining! Only the 2nd time in 30 years that it’s been inside! It went GREAT! The kids had so much fun!
One June 30, we had magic bubbles day and the kids just love soap haha! They had more fun than any other time! I love how bubbles can put a huge smile on their face.
One July 1, we took the kids 3 years old to 6 years old to Kids Zone. Yes we loaded up about 60 kids in car seats and booster seats and took them on a field trip. The place they go had a play area like a jungle gym and then a theme. This year was the ocean so there was a big pretend submarine, sand table and slide thing. And fish! The kids love this place and it’s educational and encourages imaginative play.
So that wraps up last week’s Big A club.

Things God did this week:
I got to talk with a parent about spiritual matters. I was telling the mom how her daughter is so cute when she prays. The little girl kneels on her knees and lays her head down all the way on the ground and prays. I told the mom that right after I got done inviting her to church which she kindly said thank you. And after the story about the little girl praying, the mom said, oh she is praying to Mecca like we do at home. That made my heart plummet to know that God specifically placed this family on my heart. I thought they were closer to understanding than they are. It shows you never know till you talk to someone about Christ. She quickly rounded up her kids and said bye. I hope that wasn’t my last conversation with her. I pray God gives me more divine appointments. I pray He also softens these parent’s hearts and that the kids will know the truth. The kids are going into 1st grade and Kindergarten. Please pray for this family and others in Tahoe, that they will come to know Christ.
I was teaching the kindergarten class one day and I was telling them how one day they would understand what it means to become a Christian. So, I got to share some of the gospel with them. Planting seeds. We also got to talk about why we study the Bible and why it is important.
I love the things God is allowing me to do. Just loving on kids shows them that God loves them and He wants to know them. It’s the small things that occur now that make a big impact in the future even if it is a musical or a Bible Story activity or a craft that got them there. It doesn’t matter how they get the message it matters that they get it and receive salvation through Jesus Christ at some point in their life when they understand. I love the opportunities God gives us each day!

Things I have heard kids say or seen kids do:
It got cold here last week and I asked Seth, “Who made is cold again?” He pointed to the sky and said “He did.” I said, “Who?” and he said “Miss Kacey, God did!”
I was teaching the busy bees class and we were about to read our Bible story. I asked, “Who remembers what our Bible story is for this week?” Well Sienna raised he thumb and I called on her. She said, “The 10 PIGS!” I said, “What did you say?” She said, “You know the 10 PIGS story with the frogs, bugs, river of blood…” I said “I thing you mean the 10 PLAGUES.” She said, “OH YEAH, THAT’S IT!”
While we were at the fire station touring the bunk house, Logan asked the fireman, “Do you have sleepovers?”
Also while we were at the fire station we toured the TV room. It has a great view of Lake Tahoe so all the kids ran over to that. Well there are also giant recliners in there and a kindergartener, Rory, hopped in one and kicked back and reclined. It was too funny!
We also saw a bear cub at the park on commons beach! It ran behind the kids off in the distance! They were eating lunch and looking at the lake and never knew what we happening. But the little bear cub was just running down the bike path.
As you can see is has been a great week! I know God has even more in store! I cannot wait for what else He has planned! I am so excited. Pray for opportunities to share Christ with the people of Tahoe. Pray for their hearts to be opened. Pray that they will come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Thank you for your many prayers. Pray for our team to finish strong and to keep going!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am a missionary!

I am currently reading the book Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer. I also completed her Bible study through the book of Jonah this past semester. She is one amazing woman who breaks things down to our live today. Jonah's life was interrupted when he was asked to go to Nineveh. But how would the story look if he had just looked at this interruption as a divine intervention.
I have had a few of those moments in my own life. Many of you know I love Occupational Therapy. I want to do mission work with it. Well since reading this book and the Jonah Bible study, God has reminded me to keep my plans open for His interventions. Of course I jumped to conclusions and said well this means no OT. See I don’t think seminary is the thing for me either. I am still unsure though. Well on Monday night, I woke up right after I had gone to sleep and God started speaking and I started writing. The following is what I wrote.
June 20 Monday Night
This wouldn’t let me sleep tonight. God wants me to be a missionary period. He could care less about the very minor details of if OT is a part of it or not. He cares for sure, but it is not His biggest concern. He wants me to do both missions and OT, but OT is NOT what this is about. This is about telling people who are set for an eternity without a Savior in hell and people of this world that there is hope in Jesus Christ. There is a God who loves them and cares for them. He loves them so much that He sent His one and only Son to die on a tree in the shape of a cross for my sins and yours. I don’t want this summer to be wasted. I am not here to count days, but to make every day count. I am not here just to work or just to teach children. I am here to do that so that I can help build the kingdom. I am here because God trusted me enough to tell these people about His son Jesus and how He can change their life. That is my purpose and calling in life is to be a missionary who tells others about Jesus wherever I go. OT of no OT, I am a missionary. And God is using my talents and gifts such as my passions and desire for OT and special needs children to further His kingdom. People need Jesus and special needs people deserve the gospel too. OT is my way to spread the Gospel around so that people can come to know Christ. This has never been an issue of OT or missions, it’s been about being willing to die to myself and my dreams so I can help further the kingdom and make God’s dreams come true and not my own. I get to do OT. But missions is and being a missionary is the first priority and that is why I am here on this earth. I don’t want this life or this summer to go by and not do what God sent me here to do. I’m here to be a missionary not just to work. The teaching in Tahoe and OT is the conduit to share the gospel. The Great Commission says “As you are going make disciples”. Therefore as I am doing everyday life I should be making disciples for Christ as well. That is what Debs, my supervisor, is teaching us. Missions and sharing the gospel is an everyday life mater not just being a “missionary”. If we are going to call ourselves Christians then we need to remember the job description and do it. The job description = The Great Commission. The rest of how the Gospel gets there is just details and minor things. God’s main concern is gathering people from every nation to worship Him. My job is to help Him do that by sharing the Gospel and I will. I’m a missionary, but I get to share the Gospel through OT and teaching children.
God really rocked my world and showed me that I need to stop this worry and give it to Him and take the next step which is making the most of my time her to share the Gospel with the people of Tahoe. Also, the step after undergrad which is OT school. Who knows maybe some seminary classes too, but for now all I need are the next steps along the path not the whole journey mapped out. Thank you for your prayers. Keep praying for the people of Tahoe to know Christ.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

God is always teaching me something new!

God has taught me so much over the past few weeks in Tahoe.
I have had the privilege to work in the preschool with many of the kids I had last year in my class. They have all grown up so much! I have learned a lot being here and I have learned things I need to work on. I have kept the changes I made when I was here last summer, but now I am working on my attitude and complaining when I am tired or overwhelmed. I realize that even when I am tired, I am still supposed to be joyful. I am here to spread God’s great news, and if I am moping around because I am tired then why would people see Jesus in me and want that. So that is my goal is to work on how many times a day I say “I am tired”. Another thing I am working on is putting mistakes in the past and moving on and not dwelling on them. I am hoping I can take hold of this and change it.
One thing I am making my goal this summer is to have a conversation with each of my kid’s parents about God and what Jesus has done for us. Many of the parents remembered me from last year which is great, and I have been able to continue those relationships I started building last year. However, one thing about it that make me sad is that many and most of my parents do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and many have never even heard or know what it is all about. I want to have one conversation with each parent about Jesus and if it leads to it, I want to tell them how they can have a personal relationship with Him. My goal though is to start planting seeds, plant more seeds, water, and possibly see fruit be produced in the form of salvation! I ask that you pray for the people of Tahoe to know Christ. Here it’s not easy to share the gospel. These people have all they could ever want and live in such a beautiful place. However, many of them do not know the Maker of themselves or the beauty. I want people here to realize that there is so much more to life and they too can have that abundant life.
Things I have heard from children this summer so far. We all know I have a little boy around here that I adore named Seth. Well we were in line to go to the bathroom and he comes over to me while we were waiting and starts playing with my hair. Then he said, “Miss Kacey, I haven’t had any stop and thinks today have I?” I said, “No Seth you haven’t.” Then he said “That means I get a prize from my mom.” I said “Yay, Seth!” He said, “I love you Miss Kacey.” I said to Him back, “I love you too.” And he said, “Does Jesus love me?” I said, “Yes even when we mess up and have to go to stop and think sometimes, Jesus still loves us then too!” And he just smiled and gave me a hug. As a five year old seeds are already being planted in Seth’s life. Another kid story is about a four year old named Tucker. He is so funny. He was crying one day when he came in because he didn’t want to leave his mom. Well Ms. April calmed him down and went to another center to check on the kids. Well Tucker still didn’t want to go to centers. So then Miss Alexis, one of our high school helpers said “Tucker do you want to go to a center?” Tucker replied with, “No Miss Alexis, the choice I want to make is for you to call my mom her phone number is and he then recites his mom’s phone number. And says just call her she will come get me.” Needless to say we didn’t and he calmed down and went to a center, but not many four year olds will calmly just say call my mom here is the number. There are many other stories as well!
I love the people in Tahoe. I love the kids. I love the place. God is so wonderful! I have one amazing team too. We have all just gelled together really well. We went to Yosemite last weekend. And some stomach bug thing started. I have not had it and it seems to be trailing off around here, but pray for it to go away. The kids here are still in school. They were supposed to be out on June 16, I believe but they had so much snow this winter that school isn’t out until June 22. So our Big A Club summer program isn’t till June 23. So we have been doing school year things. This is why I have worked in preschool during the day while the girls are in orientation (since I have been here before). Also we are all working with the age group we will have for Big A club. I will have the same kids I had last year which means I will continue those relationships and plant seeds.
Another thing God has shown me again is that missions and occupational therapy is for me. OT is just the way to spread the gospel more! Missions is my life though, but OT is a part of that. I am so excited to see what God does with it. I was questioning it again when I got here and to whether or not I could do both. Well yet again on the first parent’s night out, I had a special needs kid. His name is Joaquin, and he has a mild form of autism. He would flail on me and babble and really liked lights. I was able to calm him down and communicate with Him and then he fell asleep in my arms. It was so sweet and in those moments God said what He did last year at the first PNO, see Kacey you can do both. For it to be the first PNO again and God show me that is such a God thing. The little boy named Finn that I worked with last summer at the first PNO now comes to afternoon A+. He has down syndrome but you wouldn’t know it at all! He is just like a normal kid which is the goal of pediatric OT is to help special needs kids to live a normal kid life! I am so excited for God’s plans for my life and I know He wants to do great things through me and I am available.
Pray for me and my team. Pray for the staff. Pray for children and parents to come to know Christ this summer. Pray for all the people of Tahoe to know Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

10 days!

That's right! In 10 days, I will be heading back to Tahoe for the summer! I am so blessed to be able to return to the place I was last summer. I felt God calling me to go back there to continue building the relationships that started with people their last year! I cannot wait to see the staff and meet my new team. Even more than that I cannot wait to see my kids again and their families! I believe God has allowed me the opportunity to go back to Tahoe to continue those relationships and possibly lead someone to Christ. I also believe He is allowing me to go back to grow more. People may think I am going back to pick up the part of my heart I left there but I am not, I am going back to leave more of my heart their! I hope that in some way while I'm there and have been there that Jesus shines through me and that the people of Tahoe would come to know Him. I want to know Him more too. I have to remember the gift of salvation that God gave me is meant to be shared not just kept in my heart! I need to be more proactive about giving the gift Christ gave me which is someone be willing to tell me about Christ, so I could know Him. Now if I don't tell others then others won't get to know Him. Jesus isn't meant to come into our hearts and stay in a little box. He is meant toot be shared with everyone. If we aren't sharing Christ with others, can we say we actually love others? More importantly can we say we love Christ if we aren't doing what He commanded us to do which is go make disciples? My goal is to be more active in sharing! And I am gonna do my best!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I get to go back to Lake Tahoe this summer and serve God again there! I cannot wait to see what God has done since I left and what He will do! I can't wait to catch up with all my supervisors, precious children, families, and church members! God is so good to allow me to go back to a place I love. I left part of my heart there and now I get to go back and leave more!!