Sorry its been so long since I updated. Its been crazy and God has been showing me a lot. I have grown in so many ways and I didnt realized until today in You are Specials. Debs taught me how to be open and willing to change. I am no longer concerned about myself rather I am concerned about others and investing in their lives. These past few weeks have been a blast with my Little Lions. A few stories:
1. I asked Seth whose Seth he was and he said you and miss Megan's from TN.
2. I was teaching the Kindergarten Bible story about the man on the mat who couldn't walk and his 4 friends carried him on a mat to Jesus and they lowered him down to Jesus through the roof. Well then Jesus tells the man. Get up, take your mat, and walk. So he gets up and takes his mat and walks. We were acting it out as I told it. well Tavis said really Jesus can do that and I said yes. He said, "Woah! Thats cool. I totally believe in Jesus."
3. I told Tucker (3 year old) to put the wood chips in his hand down and he said, "But Miss Kacey, I 'm just trying to give everyone the keys to power."
4. Hannah Banana (3 year old) had comes up and said, "I have wood chips in my panties." I looked and sure enough she did. So we went to the bathroom and fixed that problem.
5. My class was walking to lunch on day and we walked by the registration table and I said say "Hi, Mrs. Mo." Well Brandon a four year old in my class, said that then looked at Miss Debbie and said, "Hello Miss Jesus" haha I laughed so hard.
Oh the things kids say and do!
The week of July 13-16
July 13 was Pinata Day and I worked with the Kindergartener's because the other teacher was at youth camp. But it was fu nand the kids loved it.
July 14 was WATER DAY! They had a beach ball sprinkler and we used the little tike cars and had a car wash! Then we had relays with a sponge over their head and they had to squeeze it in the bucket. Then we had a cup with a hole in it. They filled it with water put it on their head and ran to fill up a bucket. Then we had a big blow up water slide. And 2 slip-n-slides and we use snow tubes to go down them.
July 15 we had messy games day! By far my favorite. First they put their face in a pile of sugar and pulled out a tootsie roll. Then they put their face in a pie pan of chocolate pudding to get a gummy worm. Then the best they got to paint the teacher's faces with pudding. Then added sprinkles and whipped cream! It was a blast! I laughed so hard and loved every minute of it.
July 16 We had foam noodle games. and the kids always love that.
The week of July 20-23
July 20 we had bubble day. Four year olds love bubbles and are so cute with them.
July 21 we went to Kids Zone in Truckee which is a big indoor play ground and
activity place.
July 22 we had parachute day and they loved it too! I was a big kid myself.
July 23 we had our first musical practice. Musical is on Wednesday and a slideshow of summer. You can bet I will be crying.
I started crying this week. I cried holding kids at PNO because I realized a week from then I would have to tell them bye. I cried during You are Specials on Saturady because I realize how much I have grown as a person and in Christ.
God is definitely not finished with me. I have learned we will never be done growing until we reach eternity. I know God has big plans and I am closely listening to Him about what they are. I have had the best summer of my life. I don't want to leave these precious kids and their families. I don't want to leave the staff and church. I love it here and the scenery is just an added bonus.
Thank you for your continuous prayers and support all summer. Continue praying until I am home at 830PM July 31. I am going to pour out all I have in me and in my heart this week to these kids. Pray for me as I have to say see you later. Because its not going to be easy. They have a big piece of my heart.
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